Worldwide gallery



Worldwide gallery
Immersive installations

STUPIDO 1/1 presents FELIPE PANTONE curated by VHILS
STUPIDO was created to unlock and strengthen the innate creativity that lies within us all​, aiming to​​​ export the concept worldwide.
Accurate and deep understanding of urban art. Literally. ​To increase the perception of urban art, living in it.
The STUPIDO concept comes from the idea of creating a rotating curatorial program, and every year ​one of the​ top ten international artist​s​ will create an immersive installation called 1/1.
In 2017/18, STUPIDO is curated by Alexandre Farto, aka VHILS, and the art work is signed by the artist FELIPE PANTONE, both considered​ as​ t​wo of the​ best urban​ art​ artists in the world. The project was produced by Underdogs gallery and VHILS studio.
The space ​will ​always​ be​ unique, exclusive and irreproducible, whether it is a nightclub, a skatepark or a hairdresser.

Alexandre Farto aka VHILS: "...The concept of this rotating curatorial program is to invite one artist a year to produce an installation for STUPIDO, in this case the space 1/1, capable of involving the clients to the point of making them part of the work and vice versa. Each artist is challenged to develop an intervention that promotes a strong immersive experience, transforming the bar's physical space into an environment that is fully lived as an artistic work - a work that seduces us, embraces us and makes us all part of a whole that is only complete with our presence..."

A 200m2 space situated in Lisbon’s nightlife center, Cais do Sodré.

It has a musical curation based on HIP-HOP, signed by Fred Ferreira, a Portuguese musician and producer wh​o​ played with M.I.A, Mallu Magalhães and Caetano Veloso.


This has been provided to you By The People.